Source code for matplotcheck.base


Base plot checking class and methods that should apply to all plots
whether they are spatial or not.


import numpy as np
import matplotlib
from matplotlib.backend_bases import RendererBase
import math
from scipy import stats
import pandas as pd
import numbers
import geopandas as gpd

[docs]class InvalidPlotError(Exception): pass
[docs]class PlotTester(object): """ Object to grab elements from Matplotlib plots Temporarily removing parameters and returns as it's breaking sphinx Parameters ---------- axis : mpl axis object """ def __init__(self, ax): """Initialize TestPlot object""" = ax def _is_line(self): """Boolean expressing if ax contains scatter points. If plot contains scatter points and lines return True. Returns ------- is_line : boolean True if Axes ax is a line plot, False if not """ if for line in if ( not line.get_linestyle() or not line.get_linewidth() or line.get_linewidth() > 0 ): return True def _is_scatter(self): """Boolean expressing if ax contains scatter points. If plot contains scatter points as well as lines, functions will return true. Returns ------- is_scatter : boolean True if Axes ax is a scatter plot, False if not """ if return True elif for line in if ( line.get_linestyle() == "None" or line.get_linewidth() == "None" or line.get_linewidth() == 0 ): return True return False
[docs] def assert_string_contains( self, string, strings_expected, message_default="String does not contain expected string: {0}", message_or="String does not contain at least one of: {0}", ): """Asserts that `string` contains the expected strings from `strings_expected`. Parameters ---------- strings_expected : list Any string in `strings_expected` must be in the title for the assertion to pass. If there is a list of strings in `strings_expected`, at least one of the strings in that list must be in the title for the assertion to pass. For example, if ``strings_expected=['a', 'b', 'c']``, then ``'a'`` AND ``'b'`` AND ``'c'`` must be in the title for the assertion to pass. Alternatively, if ``strings_expected=['a', 'b', ['c', 'd']]``, then ``'a'`` AND ``'b'`` AND (at least one of: ``'c'``, ``'d'``) must be in the title for the assertion to pass. Case insensitive. message_default : string The error message to be displayed if the `string` does not contain a string in strings_expected. If `message` contains ``'{0}'``, it will be replaced with the first expected string not found in the label. message_or : string Similar to `message_default`, `message_or` is the error message to be displated if `string` does not contain at least one of the strings in an inner list in `strings_expected`. If `message` contains ``'{0}'``, it will be replaced with the first failing inner list in `strings_expected`. Raises ------- AssertionError if `string` does not contain expected strings """ # Assertion passes if strings_expected == [] or # strings_expected == None if not strings_expected: return string = string.lower().replace(" ", "") if isinstance(strings_expected, str): strings_expected = [strings_expected] for check in strings_expected: if isinstance(check, str): if not check.lower().replace(" ", "") in string: raise AssertionError(message_default.format(check)) elif isinstance(check, list): if not any( [c.lower().replace(" ", "") in string for c in check] ): if len(check) == 1: raise AssertionError(message_default.format(check[0])) else: raise AssertionError(message_or.format(check)) else: raise ValueError( "str_lst must be a list of: lists or strings." )
[docs] def assert_plot_type( self, plot_type=None, message="Plot is not of type {0}" ): """Asserts Axes `ax` contains the type of plot specified in `plot_type`. if `plot_type` is ``None``, assertion is passed. Parameters ---------- plot_type: string String specifying the expected plot type. Options: `scatter`, `bar`, `line` message : string The error message to be displayed if Plot does not match `plot_type`. If `message` contains ``'{0}'``, it will be replaced with the epected plot type. Raises ------- AssertionError if Plot does not match `plot_type` """ if plot_type: if plot_type == "scatter": assert self._is_scatter(), message.format(plot_type) elif plot_type == "bar": assert, message.format(plot_type) elif plot_type == "line": assert self._is_line(), message.format(plot_type) else: raise ValueError( "Plot_type to test must be either: scatter, bar or line" )
[docs] def get_titles(self): """Returns the suptitle (Figure title) and axes title of `ax`. Returns ------- suptitle : string Figure title of the Figure that the `ax` object is on. If figure title is ``None``, this is an empty string. title : string Title on the axes. If title is ``None``, this is an empty string. """ fig, suptitle =, "" if fig._suptitle: suptitle += fig._suptitle.get_text() return suptitle,
[docs] def assert_title_contains( self, strings_expected, title_type="either", message_default="Title does not contain expected string: {0}", message_or="Title does not contain at least one of: {0}", message_no_title="Expected title is not displayed", ): """Asserts that title defined by `title_type` contains the expected strings from `strings_expected`. Parameters ---------- strings_expected : list Any string in `strings_expected` must be in the title for the assertion to pass. If there is a list of strings in `strings_expected`, at least one of the strings in that list must be in the title for the assertion to pass. For example, if ``strings_expected=['a', 'b', 'c']``, then ``'a'`` AND ``'b'`` AND ``'c'`` must be in the title for the assertion to pass. Alternatively, if ``strings_expected=['a', 'b', ['c', 'd']]``, then ``'a'`` AND ``'b'`` AND (at least one of: ``'c'``, ``'d'``) must be in the title for the assertion to pass. Case insensitive. title_type : string One of the following strings ["figure", "axes", "either"] `figure`: only the figure title (suptitle) will be tested 'axes': only the axes title (suptitle) will be tested 'either': either the figure title or axes title will pass this assertion. The combined title will be tested. message_default : string The error message to be displayed if the axis label does not contain a string in strings_expected. If `message` contains ``'{0}'``, it will be replaced with the first expected string not found in the label. message_or : string Similar to `message_default`, `message_or` is the error message to be displated if the axis label does not contain at least one of the strings in an inner list in `strings_expected`. If `message` contains ``'{0}'``, it will be replaced with the first failing inner list in `strings_expected`. message_no_title : string The error message to be displayed if the expected title is not displayed. Raises ------- AssertionError if title does not contain expected strings """ suptitle, axtitle = self.get_titles() if title_type == "either": title = axtitle + suptitle elif title_type == "figure": title = suptitle elif title_type == "axes": title = axtitle else: raise ValueError( "title_type must be one of the following " + '["figure", "axes", "either"]' ) assert title, message_no_title self.assert_string_contains( title, strings_expected, message_default=message_default, message_or=message_or, )
[docs] def get_caption(self): """Returns the text that is located in the bottom right, just below the right side of ax If no text is found in location, ``None`` is returned. Returns ------- caption : string the text that is found in bottom right, ``None`` if no text is found """ caption = None ax_position = for tex in tex_position = tex.get_position() if ( ax_position.ymin - 0.1 < tex_position[1] < ax_position.ymin ) and ( ax_position.xmax - 0.5 < tex_position[0] < ax_position.xmax ): caption = tex break if isinstance(caption, matplotlib.text.Text): caption = caption.get_text() return caption
[docs] def assert_caption_contains( self, strings_expected, message_default="Caption does not contain expected string: {0}", message_or="Caption does not contain at least one of: {0}", message_no_caption="No caption exists in appropriate location", ): """ Asserts that caption contains expected strings from `strings_expected`. Parameters ---------- strings_expected : list Any string in `strings_expected` must be in the title for the assertion to pass. If there is a list of strings in `strings_expected`, at least one of the strings in that list must be in the title for the assertion to pass. For example, if ``strings_expected=['a', 'b', 'c']``, then ``'a'`` AND ``'b'`` AND ``'c'`` must be in the title for the assertion to pass. Alternatively, if ``strings_expected=['a', 'b', ['c', 'd']]``, then ``'a'`` AND ``'b'`` AND (at least one of: ``'c'``, ``'d'``) must be in the title for the assertion to pass. Case insensitive. message_default : string The error message to be displayed if the axis label does not contain a string in strings_expected. If `message` contains ``'{0}'``, it will be replaced with the first expected string not found in the label. message_or : string Similar to `message_default`, `message_or` is the error message to be displated if the axis label does not contain at least one of the strings in an inner list in `strings_expected`. If `message` contains ``'{0}'``, it will be replaced with the first failing inner list in `strings_expected`. message_no_caption : string The error message to be displayed if no caption exists in the appropriate location. Raises ------- AssertionError if caption does not contain strings matching `strings_expected` """ caption = self.get_caption() if strings_expected is None: return assert caption, message_no_caption self.assert_string_contains( caption, strings_expected, message_default=message_default, message_or=message_or, )
[docs] def assert_axis_off(self, message="Axis lines are displayed on plot"): """Asserts one of the three cases holds true with error message m: 1) axis have been turned off 2) both x and y axis have visibility set to false 3) both x and y axis ticks have been set to empty lists Parameters ---------- message : string The error message to be displayed if the assertion is not met. Raises ---------- AssertionError with message `m` if axis lines are displayed on plot """ flag = False # Case 1: check if axis have been turned off if not flag = True # Case 2: Check if both axis visibilities set to false elif not and not flag = True # Case 3: Check if both axis ticks are set to empty lists elif ( == [] and == [] ): flag = True assert flag, message
[docs] def assert_axis_label_contains( self, axis="x", strings_expected=None, message_default="{1}-axis label does not contain expected string: {0}", message_or="{1}-axis label does not contain at least one of: {0}", message_not_displayed="Expected {0} axis label is not displayed", ): """ Asserts that the axis label contains the expected strings from `strings_expected`. Tests x or y axis based on 'axis' param. Parameters ---------- axis : string One of the following ['x','y'] stated which axis label to be tested strings_expected : list Any string in `strings_expected` must be in the axis label for the assertion to pass. If there is a list of strings in `strings_expected`, at least one of the strings in that list must be in the axis label for the assertion to pass. For example, if ``strings_expected=['a', 'b', 'c']``, then ``'a'`` AND ``'b'`` AND ``'c'`` must be in the title for the assertion to pass. Alternatively, if ``strings_expected=['a', 'b', ['c', 'd']]``, then ``'a'`` AND ``'b'`` AND (at least one of: ``'c'``, ``'d'``) must be in the title for the assertion to pass. Case insensitive. message_default : string The error message to be displayed if the axis label does not contain a string in strings_expected. If `message` contains ``'{1}'``, it will be replaced with `axis`. If `message` contains ``'{0}'``, it will be replaced with the first expected string not found in the label. message_or : string Similar to `message_default`, `message_or` is the error message to be displated if the axis label does not contain at least one of the strings in an inner list in `strings_expected`. If `message` contains ``'{1}'``, it will be replaced with `axis`. If `message` contains ``'{0}'``, it will be replaced with the first failing inner list in `strings_expected`. message_not_displayed : string The error message to be displayed if the expected axis label is not displayed. If `message_not_displayed` contains ``'{0}'``, it will be replaced with `axis`. Raises ---------- AssertionError if axis label does not contain expected strings """ # Retrieve appropriate axis label, error if axis param is not x or y if axis == "x": label = elif axis == "y": label = else: raise ValueError('axis must be one of the following ["x", "y"]') # Check that axis label contains the expected strings in lst if strings_expected is None: return assert label, "Expected {0} axis label is not displayed".format(axis) message_default = message_default.replace("{1}", axis) message_or = message_or.replace("{1}", axis) self.assert_string_contains( label, strings_expected, message_default=message_default, message_or=message_or, )
[docs] def assert_lims( self, lims_expected, axis="x", message="Incorrect limits on the {0} axis", ): """Assert the lims of ax match lims_expected. Tests x or y axis based on 'axis' param Parameters --------- lims_expected : list of numbers (float or int) List of length 2 containing expected min and max vals for axis limits axis : string From ['x','y'], which axis to be tested message : string The error message to be displayed if the limits of ax do not match the expected limits. If `message` contains ``'{0}'``, it will be replaced with `axis`. Raises ---------- AssertionError if `lims_expected` does not match the limits of ax """ # Get axis limit values if axis == "x": lims = [int(xlim) for xlim in] elif axis == "y": lims = [int(ylim) for ylim in] else: raise ValueError( "axis must be one of the following string ['x', 'y']" ) # Check retrieved limits against expected min and max values assert np.array_equal(lims, lims_expected), message.format(axis)
[docs] def assert_lims_range( self, lims_range, axis="x", message_min="Incorrect min limit on the {0} axis", message_max="Incorrect max limit on the {0} axis", ): """Asserts axis limits fall within lims_range (INCLUSIVE). Parameters ---------- lims_range: tuple of tuples. if axis == 'x': first tuple is range the left x limit must be in, second tuple is the range the right x limit must be in if axis == 'y': first tuple is range the bottom y limit must be in, second tuple is the range the top x limit must be in axis: string from list ['x','y'] declaring which axis to be tested message_min : string The error message to be displayed if the limits of ax do not fall within the expected limit minimum. If `message` contains ``'{0}'``, it will be replaced with `axis`. message_max : string The error message to be displayed if the limits of ax do not fall within the expected limit maximum. If `message` contains ``'{0}'``, it will be replaced with the specified `axis` (i.e. it will be replaced with 'x' or 'y'). Raises ---------- AssertionError if axis limits does not fall within `lims_range` """ # Get ax axis limits if axis == "x": lims = elif axis == "y": lims = else: raise ValueError( "axis must be one of the following string ['x', 'y']" ) # Check if the min falls with in lims_range[0] assert ( lims_range[0][0] <= lims[0] <= lims_range[0][1] ), message_min.format(axis) # Check if the max falls with in lims_range[1] assert ( lims_range[1][0] <= lims[1] <= lims_range[1][1] ), message_max.format(axis)
[docs] def assert_equal_xlims_ylims( self, message="xlims and ylims are not equal" ): """Assert the x and y lims of Axes ax are exactly equal to each other Parameters --------- message : string The error message to be displayed if the x limits and y limits are equal. Raises ---------- AssertionError with message `m` if limits are not equal """ xlims = ylims = assert np.array_equal(xlims, ylims), message
[docs] def get_legends(self): """Retrieve the list of legends on ax Returns ------- legends : list List of matplotlib.legend.Legend objects """ return
[docs] def assert_legend_titles( self, titles_exp, message="Legend title does not contain expected string: {0}", message_num_titles="I was expecting {0} legend titles but instead " + "found {1}", ): """Asserts legend titles contain expected text in titles_exp list. Parameters ---------- titles_exp : list of strings Each string is expected be be in one legend title. The number of strings is equal to the number of expected legends. message : string The error message to be displayed if the legend titles do not match the expected strings. If `message` contains ``'{0}'``, it will be replaced with the first expected string that does not exist in the legend title. message_num_titles : string The error message to be displayed if there exist a different number of legend titles than expected. If `message_num_titles` contains ``'{0}'`` it will be replaced with the number of titles found. If `message_num_titles` contains ``'{1}'`` it will be replaced with the expected number of titles. Raises ------- AssertionError if legend titles do not contain expected text """ legends = self.get_legends() # Test number of legends - edge case when a student might have two # legends rather than 2 num_legends = len(legends) num_exp_legends = len(titles_exp) assert num_legends == num_exp_legends, message_num_titles.format( num_legends, num_exp_legends ) # Check that each expected legend title is in a legend title in ax titles = [leg.get_title().get_text().lower() for leg in legends] for title_exp in titles_exp: assert any(title_exp.lower() in s for s in titles), message.format( title_exp )
[docs] def assert_legend_labels( self, labels_exp, message="Legend does not have expected labels", message_no_legend="Legend does not exist", message_num_labels="I was expecting {0} legend entries, but found " + "{1}. Are there extra labels in your legend?", ): """Asserts legends on ax have the correct entry labels Parameters ---------- labels_exp : list of strings Each string is an expected legend entry label. Checks that the legend entry labels match exactly (except for case). message : string The error message to be displayed if the expected labels are not found. message_no_legend : string The error message to be displayed if no legend is found. message_num_labels: string The error message to be displayed if there exist a different number of legend labels than expected. If `message_num_labels` contains ``'{0}'`` it will be replaced with the number of labels found. If `message_num_labels` contains ``'{1}'`` it will be replaced with the expected number of labels. Raises ------- AssertionError if legend labeles do not match `labels_exp` Notes ----- If there are multiple legends, it combines all the legend labels into one set and checks that set against the list labels_exp """ legends = self.get_legends() assert legends, message_no_legend # Lowercase both the expected and actual legend labels legend_texts = [ t.get_text().lower() for leg in legends for t in leg.get_texts() ] labels_exp = [label.lower() for label in labels_exp] num_exp_labs = len(labels_exp) num_actual_labs = len(legend_texts) assert num_actual_labs == num_exp_labs, message_num_labels.format( num_exp_labs, num_actual_labs ) assert set(legend_texts) == set(labels_exp), message
[docs] def assert_legend_no_overlay_content( self, message="Legend overlays plot window" ): """Asserts that each legend does not overlay plot window Parameters ---------- message : string The error message to be displayed if the legend overlays the plot window. Raises ------- AssertionError with message `m` if legend does not overlay plot window """ # RendererBase() is needed to get extent, otherwise raises an error plot_extent = legends = self.get_legends() for leg in legends: # RendererBase() is needed to get extent, otherwise raises error leg_extent = leg.get_window_extent(RendererBase()).get_points() legend_left = leg_extent[1][0] < plot_extent[0][0] legend_right = leg_extent[0][0] > plot_extent[1][0] legend_below = leg_extent[1][1] < plot_extent[0][1] assert legend_left or legend_right or legend_below, message
[docs] def legends_overlap(self, b1, b2): """Helper function for assert_no_legend_overlap. True if points of window extents for b1 and b2 overlap, False otherwise Parameters ---------- b1 : list of lists 2x2 array containg numbers, bounding box of window extents b2 : list of lists 2x2 array containg numbers, bounding box of window extents Returns ------- overlap : boolean True if bounding boxes b1 and b2 overlap """ x_overlap = (b1[0][0] <= b2[1][0] and b1[0][0] >= b2[0][0]) or ( b1[1][0] <= b2[1][0] and b1[1][0] >= b2[0][0] ) y_overlap = (b1[0][1] <= b2[1][1] and b1[0][1] >= b2[0][1]) or ( b1[1][1] <= b2[1][1] and b1[1][1] >= b2[0][1] ) return x_overlap and y_overlap
[docs] def assert_no_legend_overlap(self, message="Legends overlap eachother"): """When multiple legends on ax, asserts that there are no two legends in ax that overlap each other Parameters ---------- message : string The error message to be displayed if two legends overlap. Raises ------- AssertionError with message `m` if legends overlap """ legends = self.get_legends() n = len(legends) for i in range(n - 1): # Get extent of first legend in check, RendererBase() avoids error leg_extent1 = ( legends[i].get_window_extent(RendererBase()).get_points() ) for j in range(i + 1, n): # Get extent of second legend in check leg_extent2 = ( legends[j].get_window_extent(RendererBase()).get_points() ) assert not self.legends_overlap( leg_extent1, leg_extent2 ), message
[docs] def get_xy(self, points_only=False): """Returns a pandas dataframe with columns "x" and "y" holding the x and y coords on Axes `ax` Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Matplotlib Axes object to be tested points_only : boolean Set ``True`` to check only points, set ``False`` to check all data on plot. Returns ------- df : pandas.DataFrame Pandas dataframe with columns "x" and "y" containing the x and y coords of each point on Axes `ax` """ if points_only: xy_coords = [ val for line in if ( line.get_linestyle() == "None" or line.get_linewidth() == "None" ) for val in line.get_xydata() ] # .plot() xy_coords += [ val for c in if type(c) != matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection for val in c.get_offsets() ] # .scatter() else: xy_coords = [ val for line in for val in line.get_xydata() ] # .plot() xy_coords += [ val for c in for val in c.get_offsets() ] # .scatter() xy_coords += [ [(p.get_x() + (p.get_width() / 2)), p.get_height()] for p in ] # .bar() xy_data = pd.DataFrame(data=xy_coords, columns=["x", "y"]).dropna() # crop to limits lims = xy_data = xy_data[xy_data["x"] >= lims[0]] xy_data = xy_data[xy_data["x"] <= lims[1]].reset_index(drop=True) return xy_data
[docs] def assert_xydata( self, xy_expected, xcol=None, ycol=None, points_only=False, xlabels=False, tolerance=0, message="Incorrect data values", ): """Asserts that the x and y data of Axes `ax` matches `xy_expected` with error message `message`. If ``xy_expected = None``, assertion is passed. Parameters ---------- xy_expected : pandas or geopandas dataframe (Required) DataFrame contains data expected to be on the plot (axis object) xcol : string (Required for non geopandas objects) Title of column in `xy_expected` containing values along `x_axis`. If `xy_expected` contains this data in 'geometry', set to ``None``. ycol : String (Required for non geopandas objects) The y column name of xy_expected which represents values along the`y_axis` in a plot. If `xy_expected` contains this data in 'geometry' set to ``None``. points_only : boolean, Set ``True`` to check only points, set ``False`` tp check all data on plot. xlabels : boolean Set ``True`` if using x axis labels rather than x data. Instead of comparing numbers in the x-column to expected, compares numbers or text in x labels to expected. tolerance : float A non-zero value of tol_rel allows an absolute tolerance when checking the data. For example, a tolerance of 0.1 would check that the actual data is within 0.1 units of the actual data. Note that the units for datetime data is always days. message : string The error message to be displayed if the xy-data does not match `xy_expected` Raises ------- AssertionError with message `message`, if x and y data of Axes `ax` does not match `xy_expected` """ if xy_expected is None: return elif not isinstance(xy_expected, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError( "xy_expected must be of type: pandas dataframe or Geopandas " + "Dataframe" ) # If xy_expected is a GeoDataFrame, then we make is a normal DataFrame # with the coordinates of the geometry in that GeoDataFrame as the x # and y data if isinstance(xy_expected, gpd.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame) and not xcol: xy_expected = pd.DataFrame( data={ "x": [p.x for p in xy_expected.geometry], "y": [p.y for p in xy_expected.geometry], } ).dropna() xcol, ycol = "x", "y" if xlabels: self.assert_xlabel_ydata( xy_expected, xcol=xcol, ycol=ycol, message=message ) return xy_data = self.get_xy(points_only=points_only) # Make sure the data are sorted the same xy_data, xy_expected = ( xy_data.sort_values(by="x"), xy_expected.sort_values(by=xcol), ) if tolerance > 0: np.testing.assert_allclose( xy_data["x"], xy_expected[xcol], atol=tolerance, err_msg=message, ) np.testing.assert_allclose( xy_data["y"], xy_expected[ycol], atol=tolerance, err_msg=message, ) else: """We use `assert_array_max_ulp()` to compare the two datasets because it is able to account for small errors in floating point numbers, and it scales nicely between extremely small or large numbers. Because of the way that matplotlib stores datetime data, this is essential for comparing high-precision datetime data (i.e. millisecond or lower). We catch this error and raise our own that is more relevant to the assertion being run.""" try: np.testing.assert_array_max_ulp( xy_data["x"].to_numpy(dtype=np.float64), xy_expected[xcol].to_numpy(dtype=np.float64), 5, ) except AssertionError: # xy_data and xy_expected do not contain the same data raise AssertionError(message) except ValueError: # xy_data and xy_expected do not have the same shape raise ValueError( "xy_data and xy_expected do not have the same shape" ) try: np.testing.assert_array_max_ulp( xy_data["y"].to_numpy(dtype=np.float64), xy_expected[ycol].to_numpy(dtype=np.float64), 5, ) except AssertionError: # xy_data and xy_expected do not contain the same data raise AssertionError(message) except ValueError: # xy_data and xy_expected do not have the same shape raise ValueError( "xy_data and xy_expected do not have the same shape" )
[docs] def assert_xlabel_ydata( self, xy_expected, xcol, ycol, message="Incorrect Data" ): """Asserts that the numbers in x labels and y values in Axes `ax` match `xy_expected`. Parameters ---------- xy_expected : pandas.DataFrame Pandas DataFrame that contains data xcol : string Column title containing xaxis data ycol : string Column title containing yaxis data message : string The error message to be displayed if data in the x-labels and y-values do not match `xy_expected`. Raises ------- AssertionError with message `m` if legends overlap Notes ----- This is only testing the numbers in x-axis labels. """ x_data = [ "".join(c for c in label.get_text()) for label in ] y_data = self.get_xy()["y"] xy_data = pd.DataFrame(data={"x": x_data, "y": y_data}) # If we expect x-values to be numbers if all([isinstance(i, numbers.Number) for i in xy_expected[xcol]]): x_is_numeric = True try: x_data_numeric = [float(i) for i in xy_data["x"]] except ValueError: raise AssertionError(message) else: xy_data["x"] = x_data_numeric # If we expect x-values to be strings else: # If we expect x-values to be numeric strings if all([s.isnumeric() for s in xy_expected[xcol]]): # We attempt to convert numeric strings to numbers try: x_expected = [float(s) for s in xy_expected[xcol]] x_data = [float(s) for s in xy_data["x"]] except ValueError: x_is_numeric = False else: x_is_numeric = True xy_expected[xcol] = x_expected xy_data["x"] = x_data # We expect x-values to be non-numeric strings else: x_is_numeric = False # Testing x-data if x_is_numeric: try: np.testing.assert_array_max_ulp( np.array(xy_data["x"]), np.array(xy_expected[xcol]), ) except AssertionError: raise AssertionError(message) else: np.testing.assert_equal( np.array(xy_data["x"]), np.array(xy_expected[xcol]), message ) # Testing y-data try: np.testing.assert_array_max_ulp( np.array(xy_data["y"]), np.array(xy_expected[ycol]) ) except AssertionError: raise AssertionError(message)
[docs] def get_slope_yintercept(self, path_verts): """Returns the y-intercept of line based on the average slope of the line Parameters ---------- path_verts : list List of verticies that make a line on Axes `ax` Returns ------- slope : float The average slope of the line defined by `path_verts` y_intercept : float The y intercept of the line defined by `path_verts` """ slopes = [ (path_verts[i + 1, 1] - path_verts[i, 1]) / (path_verts[i + 1, 0] - path_verts[i, 0]) for i in range(len(path_verts) - 1) ] slope = sum(slopes) / len(slopes) return slope, path_verts[0, 1] - (path_verts[0, 0] * slope)
[docs] def assert_line( self, slope_exp, intercept_exp, check_coverage=True, message_no_line="Expected line not displayed", message_data="Line does not cover data set", ): """Asserts that there exists a line on Axes `ax` with slope `slope_exp` and y-intercept `intercept_exp` and Parameters ---------- slope_exp : float Expected slope of line intercept_exp : float Expeted y intercept of line check_coverage : boolean (default = True) If `check_coverage` is `True`, function will check that the goes at least from x coordinate `min_val` to x coordinate `max_val`. If the line does not cover the entire dataset, and `AssertionError` with be thrown with message `message_data`. message_no_line : string The error message to be displayed if the line does not exist. message_data : string The error message to be displayed if the line exists but does not cover the dataset, and if `check_coverage` is `True`. Raises ------- AssertionError with message `message_no_line` or `message_data` if no line exists that covers the dataset. """ flag_exist = False if check_coverage: flag_length = False xy = self.get_xy(points_only=True) min_val, max_val = min(xy["x"]), max(xy["x"]) for line in # Here we will get the verticies for the line and reformat them in # the way that get_slope_yintercept() expects data = line.get_data() path_verts = np.column_stack((data[0], data[1])) slope, y_intercept = self.get_slope_yintercept(path_verts) if math.isclose(slope, slope_exp, abs_tol=1e-4) and math.isclose( y_intercept, intercept_exp, abs_tol=1e-4 ): flag_exist = True line_x_vals = [coord[0] for coord in path_verts] # This check ensures that the minimum and maximum values of the # line are within or very close to the minimum and maximum # values in the pandas dataframe provided. This accounts for # small errors sometimes found in matplotlib plots. if check_coverage: if ( math.isclose(min(line_x_vals), min_val, abs_tol=1e-4) or min(line_x_vals) <= min_val ) and ( math.isclose(max(line_x_vals), max_val, abs_tol=1e-4) or max(line_x_vals) >= max_val ): flag_length = True break assert flag_exist, message_no_line if check_coverage: assert flag_length, message_data
[docs] def assert_lines_of_type(self, line_types, check_coverage=True): """Asserts each line of type in `line_types` exist on `ax` Parameters ---------- line_types : string or list of strings Acceptable strings in line_types are as follows ``['linear-regression', 'onetoone']``. check_coverage : boolean (default = True) If `check_coverage` is `True`, function will check that the goes at least from x coordinate `min_val` to x coordinate `max_val`. If the line does not cover the entire dataset, and `AssertionError` with be thrown with message `message_data`. Raises ------- AssertionError if at least one line of type in `line_types` does not exist on `ax` Notes ----- If `line_types` is empty, assertion is passed. """ if isinstance(line_types, str): line_types = [line_types] for line_type in line_types: if line_type == "linear-regression": xy = self.get_xy(points_only=True) # Check that there is xy data for this line. Some one-to-one # lines do not produce xy data. if xy.empty: raise AssertionError( "linear-regression line not displayed properly" ) slope_exp, intercept_exp, _, _, _ = stats.linregress( xy.x, xy.y ) elif line_type == "onetoone": slope_exp, intercept_exp = 1, 0 else: raise ValueError( "each string in line_types must be from the following " + '["linear-regression","onetoone"]' ) self.assert_line( slope_exp, intercept_exp, message_no_line="{0} line not displayed properly".format( line_type ), message_data="{0} line does not cover dataset".format( line_type ), check_coverage=check_coverage, )
[docs] def get_num_bins(self): """Gets the number of bins in histogram with a unique x-position. Returns ------- Int : Returns the number of bins with a unique x-position. For a normal histogram, this is just the number of bins. If there are two overlapping or stacked histograms in the same `matplotlib.axis.Axis` object, then this returns the number of bins with unique edges.""" x_data = self.get_xy()["x"] unique_x_data = list(set(x_data)) num_bins = len(unique_x_data) return num_bins
[docs] def assert_num_bins( self, num_bins, message="Expected {0} bins in histogram, instead found {1}.", ): """Asserts number of bins is `num_bins`. Parameters ---------- num_bins : int Number of bins expected. message : string The error message to be displayed if plot does not contain `num_bins`. If `message` contains ``'{0}'`` it will be replaced with expected number of bins. If `message` contains ``'{1}'``, it will be replaced with the number of bins found. Raises ------- AssertionError if plot does not contain the expected number of bins """ num_bins_found = self.get_num_bins() assert num_bins == num_bins_found, message.format( num_bins, num_bins_found )
[docs] def get_bin_values(self): """Returns the value of each bin in a histogram (i.e. the height of each bar in a histogram.) Returns ------- Int : The number of bins in the histogram""" bin_values = self.get_xy()["y"].tolist() return bin_values
[docs] def get_bin_midpoints(self): """Returns the mid point value of each bin in a histogram Returns ------- Int : The number of bins in the histogram""" bin_midpoints = self.get_xy()["x"].tolist() return bin_midpoints
[docs] def assert_bin_values( self, bin_values, tolerance=0, message="Did not find expected bin values in plot", ): """Asserts that the values of histogram bins match `bin_values`. Parameters ---------- bin_values : list A list of numbers representing the expected values of each consecutive bin (i.e. the heights of the bars in the histogram). tolerance : float A non-zero value of tol_abs allows an absolute tolerance when checking the bin values. For example, an absolute tolerance of 1 checks that the actual bin values do not differ from the expected bin values by more than 1. message : string The error message to be displayed if the bin values do not match `bin_values` Raises ------ AssertionError if the Values of histogram bins do not match `bin_values` Notes ----- `bin_values` can be difficult to know. The easiest way to obtain them may be to create a histogram with your expected data, create a `PlotTester` object, and use ``get_bin_values()``. ``get_bin_values()`` will return exactly the type of list required for `bin_values` in this method. """ expected_bin_values = bin_values plot_bin_values = self.get_bin_values() if tolerance > 0: try: np.testing.assert_allclose( plot_bin_values, expected_bin_values, atol=tolerance, err_msg=message, ) except AssertionError: raise AssertionError(message) else: """We use `assert_array_max_ulp()` to compare the two datasets because it is able to account for small errors in floating point numbers, and it scales nicely between extremely small or large numbers. We catch this error and throw our own so that we can use our own message.""" try: np.testing.assert_array_max_ulp( np.array(plot_bin_values), np.array(expected_bin_values) ) except AssertionError: raise AssertionError(message)
[docs] def assert_bin_midpoints( self, bin_midpoints, message="Did not find expected bin midpoints in plot", ): """ Asserts that the middle values of histogram bins match `bin_midpoints`. Parameters ---------- bin_midpoints : list A list of numbers representing the expected middles of bin values covered by each consecutive bin (i.e. the midpoint of the bars in the histogram). message : string The error message to be displayed if the bin mid point values do not match `bin_midpoints` Raises ------ AssertionError if the Values of histogram bins do not match `bin_midpoints` """ plot_bin_midpoints = self.get_bin_midpoints() if not isinstance(bin_midpoints, list): raise ValueError( "Need to submit a list for expected bin midpoints." ) if len(plot_bin_midpoints) != len(bin_midpoints): raise ValueError("Bin midpoints lists lengths do no match.") try: np.testing.assert_array_max_ulp( np.array(plot_bin_midpoints), np.array(bin_midpoints) ) except AssertionError: raise AssertionError(message)